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When can I mow?

Hey Rabbit lovers

I read the sticky already. Found them testers and saw momma yesterday evening tending to her babies.

They’re smack in the middle of my front yard, no shelter or anything near them.

My grass is in a desperate need of a mow but obviously I don’t want to go anywhere near these cuties. I have marker posts and flagged off a 6×6 area they’re chilling by so they don’t get stepped on by a delivery person or child.

I’m wondering if I should just leave a huge patch of grass unmowed for them or if they look ready to leave the nest soon I can wait it out. Any tips? They’re obviously more important than my yard, but I don’t want the field rats around my house either.

Unfortunately I think they we’re living under my shed, but it looking at my cameras it looks like a neighborhood cat found that nest

by MLB-LeakyLeak

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