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Unneutered male pair

Okay so I know the facts- unneutered males aren’t supposed to live together. Some background: the smaller one, Sven, is 10 months and the larger one, Bugs, is between 3-4 years. They both have neuter appts on the books but couldn’t get them in until mid September. So I have had them in separate rooms for the past month and decided to build them side by side xpens last night. I didn’t make the separator quite high enough and they keep getting to each other no matter what I do. I do have additional pieces coming today to adjust the separator. But from their first interaction it has been all positive and it’s so hard to want to separate them! They’re squeaking, hay munching, cuddling, grooming each other. No matter what barriers I tried to put between them they got past them! So- Is there any harm in supervised time together while we wait for the neuter appt as long as I’m watching for behavior changes? I haven’t ever seen them so happy 🥹

by PotentialPick466

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