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Safe Under Bed Rescue Solutions

My rabbit is *determined* to find his way under the bed. I can’t (physically, and because I’m not the home owner) just permanently remove the box spring/ frame and put the mattress on the floor. I can’t fit under the bed (nor could any human above like, 3 years old). I’m not sure placing it on risers would be safe because it’s a very heavy bed. I believe I have finally found a way to block it off- but every time I think that, it lasts a few days and then he finds another loophole.

I’d love to just allow him under the bed- it’s cool (in temperature- though the whole room is air conditioned), burrow-like, and just a private space for him. But as a policy, I don’t let my pets under the bed because it makes it extremely difficult to safely and efficiently retrieve them during an emergency (fire, medical emergency, etc.) or to take them to regular vet visits.

I have a “humane capture” extendable pole and net that I keep on hand in case I had to retrieve my cat from under furniture (she prefers the downstairs couches) in true emergencies such as fires. However, I’m concerned that using such a device on my bunny might kill him in and of itself due to fear-induced heart attacks or breaking his own spine trying to escape.

Has anyone created an under-bed set up that insures your bunny can play and rest under your bed but you can still easily retrieve them? I’m thinking of trying to figure out a tunnel system where he could get underneath but couldn’t leave the tunnels except to exit the under bed area (and I could seal off the ends with mesh in an emergency to pull the tunnel out with him inside). But not sure how feasible this is. Any other thoughts?

Here’s a link to an example of the type of rescue device I’m talking about- though this is not the exact product I own, as I can’t find the page where I purchased that.

Image description: Brown Mini Rex on a bed facing an X-Pen (used as a fence), trying to determine a way to climb between it and the edge of the bed.

by ahhdecisions7577

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