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Strange Shedding

I just want to start saying that I have shown her to a very qualified exotic vet, and she did not seem concerned at all.

I have a 4 year old rabbit I adopted when it was 1 years old. Her name is Miles, and she’s the sweetest thing Ive ever seen, just wants love and to hang out.

When she gets to the point of one of her ‘big sheds’ she always has these weird clumps of fur that don’t want to come out. I don’t pull on them for fear of hurting her. However, her husbun, Snoopy, does not share this concern.

Anyways, ive been noticing these odd clumps her entire life with us and assumed it was a skin issue. Showed it to a vet, told it was nothing. Fast forward a couple years and I’ve recently lost family and pets to cancer and I’ve been growing concerned.

Everything I search online brings up mange, scabs, stuff in the fur. But she lives a very pampered life and likes to keep herself clean anyways. I brush her daily while I watch TV and her box is clean, water is clean, fresh sealed hay so I don’t know.

If anyone has experience with this or knows someone who at least knows what it is called would be extremely helpful. She’s an adorable little love bun and I just want her to be happy and healthy.

(Bun tax included)

by NatureSoup

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