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One week journey with Binny!

Hey everyone! It’s been one day over a week with little Binny, and he was doing great until yesterday. We woke up yesterday morning, and Binny was a bit lethargic and not pooping… we kept an eye on him throughout the day, and all of his symptoms aligned with GI Stasis.

I brought him to an emergency vet an hour and a half away in MA who specializes in small/exotic pets. I am beyond impressed with this place! The level of attention they’re giving our little bun is amazing!

They are keeping him there overnight/next few days to run tests and get him to eat/poop again. The vet was very glad we brought him in when we did!

Binny was acting a bit more spry today even though he was still having issues. The vet team absolutely love him!

I’ll keep you all posted on how he’s doing when I hear back! We’re hoping and praying he will be okay!

by IntergalacticPopTart

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