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Better breakfast for a Netherland Dwarf?

So for a short amount of context, I’ve always wanted a Netherland dwarf, but it was never a possibility until recently. At the 4th of July our local traveling petting zoo had 2 litter Netherland dwarfs who’d she’d be looking to rehome in fall. However she texted me last week letting me know she was done for the season and I could pick her up earlier than planned. I already had the supplies so that was fine, but I feel like I’m not giving her a good enough breakfast each morning…I’m less worried about the pellets or hay, but more the fruits and veggies I give her every morning. Both the hay and pellets are high quality, but as for her fresh veggies/ fruit I’ve only been able to give her fresh lettuce(not iceberg, I asked the local farmer I bought it from to ensure it wasn’t iceberg lettuce), freshly picked clover with roots removed, carrots, and a few black raspberries(which the internet said was a good treat but please correct me if I am wrong!), I want to give her a really good balanced diet. What can I add to her fresh veggies/fruit to help balance it out?

Also; Yes she is in one of those terribly small cages they used to advertise as “good for bunnies” in the photo, however I SWEAR ON MY SOUL! She does not live there! This was simply a photo taken on the travel home as I use them for travel cages.

by EmberRoseSky

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