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Broken bond, bunny killed

I had rescued a wild baby bunny three years ago. The nest had been torn up and the babies killed by a stray cat. I named him Thumper. I had never had bunnies before him. His eyes weren’t even open yet. I bottle fed him for 3 months.
I ended up getting him a friend after he turned 2, a Netherland dwarf rabbit I named Wiley. They got along great. They never did groom each other but they ate together and cuddled.
I recently got married and moved into my husband’s house. The move was a little hard on Thumper because of the car ride, but him and Wiley adjusted well.
A few months into the move we noticed Wiley showing some aggression towards Thumper. He would lunge at him and that turned into biting and chasing. Now, two months later, I came into our room to find Thumper dead on his side, his hip area completely torn open exposing his insides.
Now I have no idea how to feel.
(Edit) I was told wiley was a Netherland dwarf, although he definitely is not. I think he’s just a mixed rabbit.

[thumper and wiley](


[thumper and wiley](


[baby thumper ](

[thumper on a castle](

by Wrong-Dragonfruit-38


  1. rabbitry14

    Omg, I am incredibly sorry to hear about your loss, especially with such a violent end. That must have been so traumatic. It sounds like you have Thumper a beautiful life, and one that no doubt he wouldn’t have been able to experience without you. Please be sure to take care of yourself through this. Binky free, sweet Thumper.🤍

  2. Spiritual_Ear2835

    While bunnies killing each other is not unheard of, I would have to say it was through extreme stress or lack of nutrition . Was there hay available in unlimited quantities? But anyway, this is just my opinion and I could be wrong. Sorry you had to go through it.

  3. Runaway2332

    I’m so sorry!!!! This is awful. Were they both neutered?

  4. ForeverVisible7340

    Holy shit I am so sorry man. Keep your head up dude. Just… Wow.

  5. Dublinkxo

    I’m sorry this happened, it truly highlights the stark difference between wild rabbits and house rabbits. They do not mix. It sounds like they were doing okay for a while but the stress triggered instincts. If they were not fixed then the attack alao makes sense.

    I hope you can heal from this loss OP, it sounds like you didn’t know and were just doing yout best to care for Thumper and his friend. Please consider adopting a rabbit from a local shelter, the fee is often low and the rabbits are often already fixed.

  6. Wrong-Dragonfruit-38

    How do I post photos here? For some reason when I add a picture it disappears and shows only an asterisk.

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