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7 year old spay today!

My girl went in for her spay today. It was done late in her life because her previous owner never had her spayed (there’s a whole tale of neglect here) and when she came to me she pretty much immediately began showing signs of uterine disease.
She went for her spay today which apparently at this age is a lot more involved. I’m trying so hard not to hover over her now that she is home. I know being 7 means she is going to take a bit more time to recover but it has been nearly 8 hours since I picked her up and 11 since she came out of surgery and she still isn’t eating.
She has pooped and peed a tiny amount and had a tiny bit of water, but is turning her nose up at greens and fruit. When I pet her head she grinds her teeth pretty loud so I’m not messing with her much. I managed to syringe feed a small bit of water and pellets a bit ago and if morning shows up with no improvement then I will start critical care and contact the vet, but gosh, the waiting is so hard. She is my first rabbit and I’ve had to learn so much in three months and it’s been an emotional roller coaster. She is still pretty lethargic and sleepy too. My brain is worrying about every little thing!!
She also was never taught to be handled so I have no idea how I’m going to safely check her stomach. I just want her to be okay.
Any hang outs, advice, or just words of “it’ll be okay” would be so great right now.

Pictures include her favorite cold spot to press her tummy against on hot days. She looks so silly doing it but she’ll sleep that way for hours.

by Patient_Payment_6412

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