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My parents found this little guy wandering around at the greenway while walking our dog last Friday. Everyone say hi to our new addition to the family, Benjamin Bunny!

Benji’s rescue is a long and crazy story, but to summarize he was spotted near a trail eating some grass by my mom and dad, and immediately they realized he was a domestic lop eared rabbit, not the wild cottontails we see out here in Georgia. So my mom texted me to drive out to the walking trail where they found him with a carrier so we could transport him back to our home.

Once we got back home, he immediately started eating the carrots, pellets and hay we gave him, and drank a lot of water too, since I’m sure he was very thirsty from being outside in this heat! We don’t know how long he was outside, but he is pretty bony, so he probably did not have much to eat for a while.

Most likely he was dumped, and I can’t believe someone would do something like that. He would have died if he stayed out in the wild much longer. He is the sweetest bunny, and although my family already has five bunnies, we have decided to give Benjamin a forever home with us. I picked the name Benjamin because I had a beloved rabbit named Petey who passed away a few years ago, and in the Beatrix Potter stories Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny are cousins!

I am so grateful we were able to rescue this sweet bunny, and I just wanted to show some cute photos of him as he adjusts to his new home. Right now he’s in a small playpen in my bedroom, but soon we will be expanding his area and adding more toys so he can have lots of things to explore! I’ve never posted here despite having lots of bunnies, but I just had to share his incredible rescue story!

by Hazelrose9800

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