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My bunny refuses to eat, poop, drink or pee after surgery?!

So I got my bunny neutured. He is healing okay, and I think the antibiotics changed his tastes a bit. He would eat the wall, the wood but not any hay or greens. He would munch on greens and give up halfway. This has been going on for three days. He barely pooped 5 pellets, and I have to force feeding him, which he ends up collecting in his mouth and then throwing it out. I made him drink water with a syringe and I think he has only peed twice in the last three days. He is running around but he just would not eat 😭😭😭😭

What do I even do, the doc I consulted keeps prescribing more injections that are basically vitamins.

Even his stomach feels a bit firm to touch… I’ve been trying so hard to force feeding him freshly grinded greens since critical care isn’t available at the earliest…..

by bakingleafire

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