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Why does my rabbit always lick me?

Hey everyone x

My rabbit whose sweet, she licks my nose a lot and licks my hands and my cheeks. She even does this to the vet and my friend as well and she does it to her other friends (my other rabbits). I know rabbits groom each other but why does she groom or lick me? Do I taste nice or something? x

by bunnypandora2016


  1. She just showing affection. Grooming the vet is pretty wild 😝

  2. mylesm902

    Yup bunny wants to keep you for her very own 🤗

  3. Tacitus111

    You’re top rabbit. Rabbits groom their social superior (this is why you see rabbits who are figuring out hierarchy presenting their heads to each other to see who grooms first). The rabbit being groomed is on top in their hierarchy.

  4. PeterLemonjellow

    What an amazing little love bug – they just have kisses for everyone!

    Bunny kisses are the purest kind of love. You should feel very lucky!

  5. cruelmalice

    You are in her family, and you groom her when you pet her, so she is grooming you back.

    She is affirming that she continues to like you despite your weird lack of hair or floppy ears.

  6. mckenner1122

    Others have already mentioned grooming but also – make sure sweet girl is getting the mineral content she needs from her food.

    We often taste “salty” to our pets. Frequent licking *might* mean she’s craving a bit.

  7. topherbdeal


    Lulling you into a false sense of security

  8. PretendLingonberry35

    My mom always used to tell me that mosquitos liked me because I had “sweet skin?” Maybe you do too? Hahahaha. My mom is such a liar….

  9. CarrieChaotic87

    Look at that sweet face!! It’s a sign of affection. Kinda like a dog will lick you when they’re happy. Definitely a good thing! ❤️

  10. KharagpuriyaBug

    You are suffering from success 🤭🤭🤭

  11. ALKoholicK-x

    Sounds like you just have an extra friendly bunny! Such a little sweetie!

  12. Locksley_1989

    She’s a little lovebug ❤️❤️❤️

  13. Flaminghotskittles

    Your bunny loves you haha mine only licks after ten minutes of petting her and even then its not everytime. Although she did it more while younger she grew into quite the sassy bun in her old age.

  14. Puzzleheaded_Lab7228

    Still determining how much salt to use when he gets you

  15. Choice-Button-9697

    What breed is she?? She’s beautiful ❤️❤️

  16. Psycho_Splodge

    Cause you’re a filthy human incapable of cleaning yourself properly to bunny standards.

  17. Lord_Cheesy_jr

    Your rabbit is looking at you like you just farted for a minute straight

  18. She thinks you’re stinky and cares enough about you to try and make sure a predator doesn’t smell you.

  19. MellyKidd

    Social grooming; they’ve bonded with you. Plus, when we sweat we taste salty.

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