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Stinky boys πŸ˜…

Hello! Hoping you all can help me here as I’ve never had this issue in any of our past for bunny, rabbits and several other fosters!

This is stinky boy number one. He and his brother are approximately 15 weeks old. The family currently fostering them is in the middle of a move so we have agreed to bunny sit until they have their new space set up. They are getting picked up next week, but I am stumped as to how to fix this problem.
We have set them up in our home in their own separate playpens, changing litter boxes daily sometimes even 2x/day and washing + changing the blankets/towels/rugs they have access to regularly. While this has helped somewhat, I have never had such a bad smell with any of our other bunnies. It is almost overwhelming when you walk in their room.
Is this just a bizarre issue with young/not fixed boy rabbits? We have only ever had spay/neutered bunnies so I’m curious if it just might be a hormones thing?

Either way, I am glad they will be back to their normal foster and on their way to get neutered so they can get put up for adoption soon, but would love to know your guys experience so if I ever run into this again with future Fosters, we can avoid stinky palooza!

I still love them even though they are stinky πŸ˜‚ they are very cute. Stinky too has these weird toughs of hair coming out on his butt like he’s wearing a ballerina tutu which I think is quite adorable.

by kmayellis

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