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Spade’s Neutering

As my boys appointment is coming up closer and closer, I’ve been nervous since the day I scheduled it. Aka like 2 months ago. Everyday I wonder if I am making the right choice. At this point I know there is truly no way to know if he will survive anesthesia or not. But I’ve done all the work to hopefully have a good outcome if you know what I mean.

My boy will be 6months old this month and he will be getting neutered on the 23rd of August . The vet has been in small animal field/exotics for 20 years, she said eat up until surgery, he will be medicated after/ send home w/meds, critical care instructions etc etc. she’s answered all my questions, and informed me of the risks. She cleared him and said he is healthy and shouldn’t have any issues but you can’t be 100% positive ya know? She did say they don’t intubate rabbits, and they go through the scrotum for male rabbits not the stomach.

I just don’t know what I’ll do with myself if something goes wrong during his procedure and that’s all I keep thinking of. Even though I know it’s for the best for him to get neutered. He has sprayed pee at me 3 times now. He constantly and I mean CONSTANTLY humps me. And a stuffie but he will not stop. Also he is constantly nipping at my ankles and honking lol. But other wise he is EXTREMELY sweet and loving, I just don’t want him to develop cancer or be sexually frustrated. I do eventually want to adopt and bond him with a female. But that’s down the road. But if I don’t get a female within 1-3 years is the neutering worth it? Because it will help the behavior aspect.

Sorry to ramble on but I’m just so nervous, I literally cry at the thought of it. I want him to be happy and healthy but I’m really scared. He is everything to me.

by Guineapiggurl101

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