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Lost My Girl

Yesterday when I got home from work I found my beautiful girl Daisy under the kitchen table unresponsive. I scooped her up and she was barely breathing. I rushed her to the vet and she passed away within 20 mins.
She was just at the vet about a month ago for her annual visit and was given a clean bill of health.
I noticed no issues that would lead me to believe she was going to die and the vet didn’t have much of an answer as to what happened. They believe she may have had a seizure or a heart attack. She’s free roaming but closed off to an area while I’m working or not home to keep her safe.
I’m devastated. She would’ve been 6 years old today and I’ve had her since she was 8 months old. I am of course blaming myself and wondering if I missed something. I keep thinking about how she laid there all day waiting for me to save her. 🥹🐰💔


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