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Thumping? Has anyone seen this?

So, this is shoyu, my 3 year old neutered male bunny. I’m having truble finding out the reason why he keeps thumping in the middle of the night.
For some moths now he has been thumping every other night while I sleep in a especific corner. I took him to the vet because I thougjt he might be feeling pain, but his labs and x ray were all good. The vet told me he might be hearing something? But nothing has changed in the neighborhood or my room, and he has never thumped like this before? There is nothing new in my room, no clothes hanging and forming figures or shadows, no new pets. He has a clean litter box, water, pallets and veggies, toys to chew on, some wood as well. He usually stops when I turn the lights on but sometimes he just keeps on going. I have to get up, make him move from the corner and he stops thumping for the rest of the night. I wake up with my heart racing 😅 anyone has any tips? Ideas? I just really don’t understand at this point.

Thumping? Has anyone seen this?
byu/One-Surround3731 inRabbits

by One-Surround3731

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