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How a rabbit receives a CT scan

How a rabbit receives a CT scan

by greenmerica


  1. Some_Random_Android

    “Why you gotta do this to me, hoo-man?”

  2. therealelena

    This is literally the weirdest and cutest thing at the same time 🐰❤️

  3. paper-scape

    It’s so cute but you just know he has to be seething with rage!

  4. Emotional_Fee3637

    When these restraints are removed, you will know what it is to fear

  5. punkassjim

    My god. I drop a thousand dollars any time one of my rabbits gets constipated and needs to go see a vet with “exotics” training. All they do is give him fluids and put him under a heating tent. I can’t imagine how much money a CT scan would cost.

  6. cactusgirl69420

    this is so cute to think that someone would go through all the time and money and effort to take care of their sick rabbit with a CT scan. That could not have been cheap, as well as all the drugs this bun had to be on. It probably cost a fortune for a pet that some people would consider “just a rodent”🥹

  7. Meauxjezzy

    Your next post is going to be on murderbuns

  8. Archaeopteryx11

    Looks like an animal mummy from Egypt.

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