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A fun random fact/story about my bunny Birk

My bunny is a deep sleeper… I mean, like, REALLY DEEP sleeper!

I can vacuum the room and he sleeps. He sleeps upside down too, often on his back or side with eye’s half rolled back so he looks dead.

I once cleaned his cage and he didn’t stir. I genuinely thought he might be dead, I poked him and he didn’t move. I poked him a few more times and and nothing. I stood up, still calling his name and poked him with my foot. After 5 minutes he finally stirred, sat up, looking all offended as if I woke him from his Beauty sleep.

At this point I’m not even concerned when I move around him and he lays motionless flopped, cuz he really just sleeps very deep. Surprisingly he isn’t deaf either (which I initially suspected) because he knows commands like “no” and his name and comes when called from another room.

by Ok_Condition6755

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