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Lions head bunny developed cataracts

My little Luna’s bright red eyes started going cloudy over the past two months and she now has cataracts. Luna overall seems great. She’s still energetic and outgoing, still cuddly, still eating no problem, still drinking water. Her poops are smaller than normal and she feels skinnier and her fur isn’t quite as full. I brought her to the vet and she said it was common among rabbits, especially bunnies who are albino. She believes because she’s still so active and eating that she isn’t super worried she’s sick and it may just be age but said we should monitor her. She said we can do some tests to check for any underlying reasons that might be causing it (such as e cuniculi, nutritional deficiencies, corneal scratch, etc). The tests are very expensive and I’m not in the best place to be able to afford them but I would be absolutely devastated to lose her, especially if it’s something treatable. I was told there’s surgery that can be done to correct her vision but I’m worried if any anesthesia needs to be used, she won’t wake up because she’s in her senior years. I’m not certain she has e cuniculi but today when I was cuddling her and put her back in her den, she flopped on her side and struggled to get back up. I’m not sure if it’s just because she’s older or if this is a definite symptom.
Has anyone had an experiences with senior rabbits and e cuniculi? And does anyone have any advice? I’m scared she may be too far gone and because of the cost I put off the tests for too long. She’s my heart and soul and I’m just absolutely distraught. She seems very happy and content other than bumping into people and things more often, but I can’t help but feel I’ve failed her

by Such_Sale6079

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