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My rabbit is having brown “accidents,” but I can’t tell if it is poo or pee.

Any help identifying what this is? Bunny went through a phase about a year ago with the same issue and was prescribed antibiotics and a nausea medicine, which both appeared to do nothing. I gave her probiotics which also seemed not to do anything.

She’s always eaten unlimited orchard grass hay (refuses Timothy hay….) and limited Oxbow essentials pellets. Her issues seemed to start when I increased her fresh romaine. Thinking this was causing diarrhea, I removed the romaine, continued the orchard grass, and began mixing pellets with 50:50 Oxbow pellets and a pure 100% Timothy pellet (literal only ingredient is Timothy hay.) her issues eventually went away.

She’s started having accidents again, so I brought her to the vet (a new one because I’ve moved) but her checkup went “well” with the vet not being able to diagnose anything. She did some ultrasound imaging even and still found nothing.

Bunny is her happy self, eating and drinking plenty, making plenty of regular poops, but also having these accidents (ONLY at night.) The only changes I’ve been trying right now are feeding her some critical care (vet’s suggestion) to which I’ve been mixing in some probiotics. She was accident-free for a week, but this is what I woke up to today.

I was convinced this was poop, but now I’m wondering if it’s not. Everything I’ve read about sludgey pee makes me think it’s NOT that. The brown spots dry to basically be cement, which I then use vinegar to soften/remove.

Any thoughts?

by LettuceSweaty7271

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