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Weird bunny behavior

I’m pretty new to having a rabbit as I’m taking care of of her for my cousin, who moved to an apartment where rabbits aren’t allowed. This morning I went down to feed her and she had pushed her cage out a few inches (then again it could have been someone else accidentally moving it) and after I moved I back she clawed and pushed at it a bit. I also found an empty plastic treat bag near where she had pushed out the cage. It was hard to tell if she had been chewing on it because I opened it weird so it was already pretty torn up. She has been sneezing a lot (I think it’s sneezing) and has been super cranky, doing stuff like lunging at me when I tried to get into her cage to clean it. She’s also been making a weird clicking noise (see video) and some grunting. I haven’t seen anything weird physically (runny nose, limping, watery eyes, etc.) what should I do? Should I take her to the vet?

Weird bunny behavior
byu/Over_Enthusiasm_ inRabbits

by Over_Enthusiasm_

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