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Safe space help!

I need help y’all! We rescued these adorable girls a few month ago now. Up until now we have had them in their own room (constantly coming out during the day, but locked up at night so that they can be safe from the dogs), but our boys need to be separated at night, this tired mom can no longer do 3/4 am wake ups with her toddlers 😂 that’s a whole different problem unrelated to the buns. But we will be losing the bunny room/spare room. We are thinking of doing an Xpen set up in the living room, but don’t know where to start with which ones are good. I want to still be able to “lock them” at night. But don’t want to go the hutch route. We do have 2 hutches that they can do in and we use as hidey spots. But I honestly don’t really want to move those to the living room. I also don’t love the idea of locking them in there at night while we sleep. I want them to still have space but have a place where the cage locks, but where they can’t jump out of it. It is purely for their protection. We have 2 dogs, who will be locked in our room at night but I just don’t want to risk something happening and them getting hurt. They free roam during the day when I’m around, the dogs leave them alone, but I really don’t love the idea of the dogs and buns comingling while we are asleep. But I swear, unless we are asleep these girls are out and about EVERYWHERE during the day. They even hop on my boys beds during naptime and rest there 😂😂

by DemandJealous252

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