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My bunny is limping but the vet said there’s nothing wrong?

I was trimming Phoebes nails on Sunday night and I cut her quick for the first time ever (I’ve had her for 7 years so I think I’ve done pretty well! Especially since her nails are black). Anyway, it was her back right foot, she bled a lot but I had cornstarch on hand and we sat on the bed for an hour before letting her back on the floor to run around (she’s free roam).

After that hour, she was back on the ground and suddenly started limping and not weight bearing on her front left foot! The opposite of the foot with the injury. I left her all afternoon, thinking she might be trying to centre her gravity so she doesn’t put weight on her poorly nail if that makes sense. After a few hours it was no better so I rang the vets for advice. They said she could have pulled a muscle if she flinched when her nail was cut, but to bring her in on the morning if it’s no better, so that’s what I did. The vet did a full physical exam and said there is no sign of any bone damage, so up her dose of painkillers that she’s already on for arthritis. If it’s not better after a few days then they’ll put her on an opioid based painkiller short term.

It’s the next day now and she’s worse, she was at least limping before, but now she won’t put her foot to the ground at all and keeps falling. She still runs over to see me, and is drinking and eating fine. I’m not sure what to do as our rwaf certified vet said she’s fine and it’ll heal itself.

Does anyone have any advice? Even if it’s just that I need to stop worrying and knowing she’ll be fine!

Please see the attached picture as my payment toward the rabbit tax.

by lithaxbaby

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