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One or two bunnies?

(Photo of my girl Patata for catching your attention:))

Hello! I am a uni student moving to a bigger apartment and that made me think of owning another bunny. I used to have one bunny girl Patata when i was in high school so i had enough time to play with her after school. But still she was alone most of the time and tbh the seemed really bored out of her mind (even though she had all the toys i could find in the enclosure).
The question i have is: if i actually do adopt another bunny, should i just adopt two guys straight away? Since i’ll be in school or at work most of the time i’m scared that one bunny would get lonely pretty quickly. But also i travel a lot so taking two bunnies with me would be a bigger problem than just taking one…

I really have no idea what to do so I’ll appreciate all and any recommendations:)

TLDR: should i buy one or two bunnies as a college student?

by hankakudlanka

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