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Rabbit with wet face

This is my girl Odie. She’s five-years-old and has recently had a few health scares which led to her visits. Every visit, her teeth have been extensively checked (even the ones in the back) and she has no signs of problems. From observing her, it appears the wetness only comes when she drinks from her water bowl. She eats her hay and treats, chews her chew toys, and is using the bathroom normally. No signs of any pain or discomfort, no teeth chattering either. Is there anything I can do to stop her from wetting her face when she drinks? She has access to two water bowls, one small the other larger, as her brother is larger than her and drinks more. There water never runs empty and is always full to the top to make it easier for her to reach. I tried adding a water bottle alongside the bowls, but she refused to use it. A few months back she did develop an ear infection which led to some neurological problems such as what we call a slight bopping motion when sitting still, so that may be the cause of her having trouble with her water bowl as well. If anyone has any suggestions as to how we can help her, it would be greatly appreciated.

by BabyChubbs2019

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