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Little girl Jaz loves her cuddles

I’ve had Jazmine (Jazzy) for a few months now and she’s a rescue – she was left in a parking lot with cars speeding around her! She’s been having a little bit of trust issues since she came home with me but a few nights ago she took a big step into trust! She let me cuddle her in the bed and she fell asleep with me. Before that she was honking away for probably 45 minutes! She was honking even louder when she let me kiss her little forehead (which I do have an adorable video of), such a darling little girl. I’m so happy I brought her home ☺️ she has a very sassy little sister named Hazel who is extremely in love with her Dad and I, haha! I’ll have to post her next!

by Due-Bumblebee6105

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