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So for context, Kelvin has been unwell since last week with a suspected UTI. On Sunday he was at emergency vet for early stasis, he’s just finished a 5 day course of baytril and is on metaclopramide until tomorrow. He’s been better for the last few days, eating better and being more active, however when he’s ill, he gets very uncomfortable and runs in and out of the litter box and the classic belly pressing. I thought that had all stopped until the camera picked up this and I wasn’t sure if it was belly pressing or him just changing his mind about getting comfy there. I do have another video I took when he first got ill in which he belly presses but it didn’t quite look the same. Just looking for advice on whether anyone thinks this is belly pressing or something else and should I be concerned? Just to add, he does get pain relief. The vet OK’d giving him calpol and I gave him some with his dinner tonight just in case he did have a bit of discomfort. He also does have a brother living with him, he was just through in the other room as they’re free roam and go where they like.

What does this look like?
byu/KelvinandClydeshuman inRabbits

by KelvinandClydeshuman

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