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Tips for getting 1 rabbit to lose some weight and 1 to gain?

We have an older boy and a younger girl that we’ve had for a few months. They get on like a house on fire 🥺

She came to us pretty chunky, she likes to eat, but our male has always been quite reserved when it comes to his food. He’s older so he has less weight on him, but she’s younger and chunkier.

They’re both completely free roam, and separating them to eat hasn’t worked previously.

They prefer to share a food bowl so we put their pellets into 1 bowl and tend to leave it throughout the day.

We have tried taking the bowl away for small durations throughout the day, but the male is the most difficult in regards to when *he* wants his pellets 😅

Does anybody have any tips/tricks for something we can try?

by moonxcat1

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