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I found this cutie! Open to all suggestions and opinions

Hi friends! I found this little cutie a few minutes ago, it was squealing between a fence and a wall in my yard while a neighboring dog tried to grab at him/her and I just picked her up easily

It’s been pretty calm honestly, only a couple of thumps lol — I gave it two slices of lettuce and some water which it happily consumed

It’s ears are sooo crusty, it has matt spots in its fur and its whole bottom is looking funky — otherwise it doesn’t look to be injured and as I’m typing it just started grooming itself

Not sure yet if I’m open to keeping it! — I live on a homestead with lots of land but also already have a number of pets

I have zero experience with bunnies other than the common knowledge about not caging them, bathing them, etc

Open to hearing all suggestions and opinions!

What should I feed it? Does it need an immediate vet trip? Do I do anything about its crusty ears & body?

Thank you guys 🤍

by alilykat

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