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Nail trim for crazy Bun

As you can see, my girl is very much due for a nail trim. The problem is that she doesn’t like nail trims. She hates having her paws touched, she hates being picked up. Skillfully escapes from any blanket burrito/swaddle I’ve tried to trap her in to attempt a trim. Not normally a biter, but you wouldn’t think that when you attempt to touch a nail.

I know this definitely isn’t a unique problem, so I’m wondering if anyone here has any tips or tricks I can try. If all else fails, I’ll see if the vet can do it, I’m just wary of our veterinary hospital with its reputation.

(Her name is Bunny, we call her Bun for short. Previous owners had kids who were not original with the naming LOL but it’s cute & she responds to it, so we roll with it. )

by Mobile-Foundation134

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