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caring for an older bun blues

my bun is my world. he has made me see the world in a different light, he has brought so much happiness into my life. he is my companion and best friend. we have spent 11 months together, and i have treasured every moment with him.
he had been trapped outside in a tiny cage, all alone for nine years, before i found him and immediately snatched him. i love him more than anything, he is the most important thing in my life and the reason i stay away from alcohol and drugs, the reason i keep myself safe, the reason why i get up in the morning. we live together, just him and i in my small apartment so we spend almost every moment together. he sleeps in my bed, curled up next to me, snoring while i gently pet him.
he is a cancer survivor and has been operated on twice since i got him, once for the cancer and once to remove a huge abscess in his cheek. he is now 10 and a half years old, and i’m becoming increasingly aware of the fact that him and i have different lifespans. it is so horrible and unfair and just thinking about it makes me cry. how do i prepare myself? his passing will absolutely wreck me into a million tiny pieces and i don’t think i will ever be able to piece myself back together.
the worst part is that it is inevitable, it looms over me like a dark cloud.
i try my best to appreciate and enjoy every moment with him to the fullest, but it is eating me alive.
can anyone relate? what am i supposed to do?

by hydroboywife

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