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Does anyone else’s rabbit have a butt dewlap?

I call it her butt flap or second dewlap I don’t know the official term for it

by Maxxwithashotgun


  1. DaddyLongLegolas

    Only in shed time, which is on!

  2. Finkilein

    I have three males… I‘d never seen it before….

  3. orange_airplane

    A butt dewlap! I’m dying 🤣🤣🤣
    She looks like a melting chocolate bunny. So cute 🥰

  4. Imurhuckleberree

    During molting season my girl had a tutu.

  5. LifeguardComplex3134

    None of my rabbits have long hair at all but I do know a couple of people that have rabbits like this, it’s really really cute

  6. Serenity-Sama

    Our Rex Pippin has one from when he was overweight 🥺 Poor boy has loose skin, looks like he has a blankie on 😂 Doesn’t bother him though!

  7. PuzzleheadedRow6497

    What a distinguished lady! Yes, so distinguished.

  8. traceyh415

    Mine has one. It’s more noticeable in the fall when he’s floofing for winter

  9. RogueViator

    I use the term “buttlap” (courtesy of another bunny slave friend on IG).

  10. guntergunthergoonter

    Our little guy has one! We call it his mudflap.

  11. aspect_rap

    This is my first time seeing a butt dewlap and I’m all for it! Majestic 🤩

  12. krvmpvs

    Yup!!! When he would sit by my feet, his butt roll (as I called it) would sit on my toes 🥹

  13. mstrss9

    We got some butt skirts over here but nothing that thick

  14. GenuineClamhat

    Yes, one of mine does. The amount of skirt helps us figure out if she’s at the treats too hard. It goes away when she gets fat. ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8709)

  15. Ariella222

    Mines also a lionhead and I call it his butt curtain or butt cape. I trip it for peepee reasons

  16. MrSaturnism

    It’s a buttcape thank you very much

  17. bunnyfloofington

    Yes! We call it her foofah (like a foopah but for her butt I guess?) lol

    Why do they have this tho?

  18. bogpudding

    One of my previous buns had one! A beautiful fluffy skirt.

  19. benitomusswolini

    Omg she has her own fancy train!! She’s so cute 😍

  20. rekkashien

    My lop sheds down her body like this. The vet calls it her “ruffle duster.”

  21. JedMisu

    Yes! I call it her skirt 😂 she’s a mini lop

  22. International_Ad690

    One of my rabbits had it. So cute. Just make sure it’s clean (normally is but sometimes it’s hard to reach for them)

  23. Right_Student_592

    Lmao idk why but this is so funny to me 😭😭your bunny’s so cute

  24. Beginning_Dance_283

    Yep! I call it his tailcoat! XD

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