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Applied to adopt my first rescue rabbit!

(Bunny tax courtesy of my baby, Flopsy)

I rehomed Flopsy from an acquaintance a few weeks ago, and she’s been settling in great! But she needs a friend. As much as I would happily give up my job and spend 24/7 with her, apparently I need to earn money to buy her treats, toys and food. She was a lone rabbit with her previous owners for a year, but I don’t want that to continue.

So I’ve submitted an application to a local rescue to adopt one of their single rabbits, with the hope of bonding them.

I’m so nervous! This rescue, understandably, has a lot of requirements to adopt a bunny. I’ve submitted descriptions of their living area, with photos as evidence, descriptions of Flopsy and her medical history (vaccinations, neuter etc), and descriptions of what I’m doing to keep them safe, secure, enriched and happy.

I’ve done so much research and done everything I can think of to make a perfect home for Flopsy and her future partner, but I’m still so worried that it’s not enough, or that there’s no suitable rabbits available, or that they won’t get on!

Wish me luck! Will post updates if and when I get my new bunny!

by SpecialCorgi1

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