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Sunny is in Bunny Jail…

Took him to the vet today because he had a limp after his sister, Mari, jumped on him from my bed. 😞 He has a sprained left back foot.

Vet gave him an initial laser therapy and pain med for me to give him daily and recommended restricting his area so he is able to heal (and not tempted to jump on things).

It’s making me so sad. I feel like he’s in solitary… I know it’s for his well being and that he’ll be back to 100% before I know it, but is there anything I can do to help him feel more at ease?

Out of my two bunnies, he is the most affectionate and loves being near me and his sister proximity wise. I got a see through gate so they can still interact somewhat, but it’s a fairly thick barrier as the gate I needed for height was too wide in bar length (so they could still get through).

The doctor said even just 24 hours would be better than nothing, but I do want to keep him in the restricted area until he is no longer limping. I just hope that’s not more than a day or two… ☹️

I’ve never been sadder in all my days of owning these guys. Will he get lonely? What can I do?

What about my other bunny? Will they get separation anxiety even if they can still see each other through the bars?

Please help me ease my mind… this is breaking my heart right now.

by opinionatedOptimist

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