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[Discussion] – Instagram bunny pages that do it “for the gram”

So Ive been running into [these sorts of pages]( that the insta algo is pushing lately and makes me think of how much of the information they are pushing is accurate and helpful for the rabbit owner community.

This is a screenshot of a reel that shows two large litterboxes topped up with fresh greens (seems like costco organic spring mix). Ive also commented on this page before about the hay and they tell me they exclusively feed their buns greens.

The post also advocates maybe cutting down on the hay and feed more variety of greeens.

Just like this, there are many other accounts which topics are, “how to pick up your rabbit so it doesnt bothers them” or people walking their rabbit everywhere, or just picking it up and dressing them up in order to post a picture…

What’s your take on all this?

by javiwankenobi

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