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Taking bonding-in-progress buns to vet. 1 carrier or 2?

Our buns are not yet bonded but have been dating with supervision for about 4 months. They are both chill buns, no aggression or fighting; just the typical mount attempts resulting in one hopping away. We would like to take them to the vet for nail trims and a sani shave for the black lionhead.

We do trim nails at home but I cut one quick on the lionhead last time and it scared me. I know I need to get over that, but in the meantime I am wondering if it might benefit the bonding process if we put them in the same carrier for the car ride. I would ride in the back with them (and an oven mitt) with husband driving. However we do have 2 carriers. What would you all recommend?? Or should I just power through and trim them up at home?

by beccabizzle

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