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Mystery rabbit health?

My rabbit Chin-chin, I got from a friend who no longer could take care of him. He was sold to them from an auction and then stuck in a 2 x 1 cage for most his life, so he isn’t the most social. No clue how old the goober is, he roams my whole house and goes in a pen at night so he won’t burn the house down. Had him for 3 years now and we have had some issues

The goober can’t clean himself properly from chest and back so we have to take SHORT baths weekly. The water is an inch high since he has poop packed on his rear. (He loves getting dried off with the blower though). We first thought it was his diet since he gets rabbit diarrhea quite often, but we are feeding him unlimited hay, pellets, romaine lettuce, carrot tops, carrots, dandelion, and we try different fruits and vegetables but he’s picky. Thought he may be getting into something so we locked him in his pen for a few days but he still has it. We thought maybe he was getting fat but nope, cut down on food and nothing changed. Brought him to a vet a few times and they have no clue. I don’t blame them though as we don’t have any rabbit specialists near us and they thought he was a chinchilla at first.

He has mildly deformed feet so to add on his lack of ability to clean himself, and digestive issues, we think he may be a mix and he just was born with a bunch of heath problems. We don’t know of what he could be though. There is definitely Netherland dwarf but I’m not sure what else? Please help :’]

TLDR: rabbit with digestive issues, can’t clean himself, and is partly deformed, due to disease or a mix of multiple rabbits we don’t know

by MiddleClean4313

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