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Surgery Success!

I received my baby as a surprise in 2021 and have followed this sub ever since. Ive done my best research from all of the links and resources from this sub. You guys are a priceless resource!

Ive taken my boy to the emergency vet maybe 4x worried of GI Stasis, each time a $200 visit. This past labor day, after years of false alarms, I waited too long. Scooty had to have emergency surgery to relieve intestinal torsion due to him getting into the trash and eating who knows what.

After 3 days of agonizing worrying, exotic doctors telling me not to get my hopes up, my sweet pumpkin boy is better than ever! He came home with 3 oral medications, and 4 injection routines. The last pic is his incision, the first the day he came home with a soft cone.

I couldn’t have done it without the knowledge provided in this sub! Me and my Scooty bear thank you guys from the bottom of our hearts!

by susb1tch

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