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Spaying advice

Hello, I’m getting my girl Sunny spayed but I’m a bit worried. I’ve already had my boy Minty done before but the paperwork was definitely not as much as the current one.
I’ve opted in for them to do Co2 laser since I know with girls it’s more invasive procedure than boys.

Where I’m worried is I’m not sure of her age and on the consent form is says pre- anesthesia screen is mandatory if senior. Should I get the screening done or risk it?
I don’t remember getting so many options the first time I did this, tho it was in a different state with my boy.

I’d also like to know if I should let her eat and drink before the surgery as it also says to not have them eat after 12 am. I didn’t get any notice like this with my last and I believe it’s important for bunnies to constantly eat hay right?

(For content I don’t know her age as I got her in May 2022 fully grown from a friends farm)

by Pretty-Bandicoot-438

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