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Bunny amputation tips?

My bunny is having her back leg amputated because of a complicated bone break. The vet said bunnies typically recover well from amputations and will hop and run around no problem. But I was wondering if anyone has experience with leg amputations? Did you have to provide any special care or help to your bunny? Did they recover quickly? Thank you 🥹

(Just a note: I have no idea how her leg broke. I woke up one morning to her limping and immediately took her to the emergency vet. My best guess is that she ran into the wall or fell off the bed. She’s free roam and loves to run around, bounce off walls, and jump up as high as she can. She’s a senior bunny now but still has crazy energy…maybe her bones just aren’t as strong as they used to be.)

by m-mich

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