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How do I deal with e cunicli when I have more than one rabbit?

One of my bunnies has suspected e cuniculi. I have two other bunnies as well.

I’m struggling to find information on if I need to treat the two who aren’t showing symptoms or not? I did ask the vet and he seemed to think it wouldn’t make much of a difference. I’ve also read most rabbits can carry it their whole lives with no issues anyway?

They’re separate at the moment but the plan is for them to live together in the long run.

by Abwettar


  1. Salt-Morning7442

    Get the other buns on the 28 day cycle and then pay for a blood test. You should hopefully catch it early enough. I lost 2 buns due to E Cunicli, because they share pee/poop in the same area, I would imagine they have it too.

  2. _gillyflower

    When one of my bunnies had it the vet advised against treatment for the other bun unless it would start showing any symptoms. Luckily nothing ever happened.

  3. Potential-Salt8592

    Treat the bun with symptoms and just keep an eye out in the future for symptoms in the other buns. They all likely carry it but may never become symptomatic.

  4. pinguineis

    Our ved advised us to also treat the other bunnies

  5. sneaky_dragon

    My vet and I don’t treat unless you see symptoms.

    Treating prophylactically doesn’t prevent future flare-ups. They will always have the parasite if they catch it.

  6. pennywhistlesmoonpie

    OP, there’s accounts on Insta of people in your situation, and they seem to have all the buns living together and treating the one who shows symptoms. I know the bun with the head tilt is named Tony, I can’t remember the handle of the Instagram, but you should be able to find it. Big hugs, I think everything will be okay. This little guy is so sweet.

  7. KXfjgcy8m32bRntKXab2

    My 4 buns have it but two developed symptoms. Ecuniculi attacks the brain (head tilt) or kidneys. They can recover from head tilt if treated very quickly. For kidney issues keep an eye on how much water they drink. Our Nina was drinking up to a liter while she’s 1.45 kilo and started losing weight down to 1.1 kilo. She’s now under medication and she’s back to normal. The other two are not treated but we keep an eye on them.

  8. Independent_Pin1041

    Check out @thelovedbuns on insta. She has some really great info and a bonded pair with one EC bun

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