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Baby Fiver loafing like Bunny Bread and Baby Hazel being his curious tiny self :)

Hazel and Fiver my baby bun buns

by Namkr0w


  1. They adorable, make sure to keep them safe from Baby Woundwort!…🤣🤣🤣 because you know what I mean, but I was NOT expecting “Baby Woundwort” to remind me of yet another affliction people who have given birth are left with…


  2. pennywhistlesmoonpie

    Love the names!! What absolute angels.

  3. elkwaffle

    Please don’t keep wild rabbits as domestic pets. Wild rabbits belong in the wild!

    Wild rabbits are very nervous due to their innate fear of humans and do not adapt to or handle stress well, they can literally die of fright from excess stress and handling.

    It’s also really difficult to get proper medical care for them as many vets will refuse to see them. The medical care thing is especially important if they’re male/female. They will breed if they’re different genders and you’re going to end up overrun with wild babies you can’t re-home or properly care for.

    Please consider surrendering them to a local wildlife rehabilitation and, if you do want a pet rabbit, check out some local rescues for a domestic breed instead! It’s in their best interests to be wild, they won’t do well in captivity

    By keeping them and treating them like pets you’re causing them harm and putting them at risk. I know it’s hard to hear but you need to do the right thing for them not for you.

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