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Indoor bun – can I change her habits?

Hi All!

Relatively new to indoor bun life, we unexpectedly welcomed lop bun “Ellie” into our lives when her owners had some big health challenges crop up and we were happy to help by taking this sweetheart on.

I don’t have a whole lot of info on her past as I didn’t deal directly with her original owners however I do know Ellie is spayed, “90% litter trained” and spent most of her time indoors.

Situation: Ellie has a smallish enclosure she spends time in when I am not home to supervise her and if I am home she free ranges around my bedroom (with a view to increasing her freedoms as time goes on, right now I’m most comfortable knowing which room I’ll find her in)

The lid of her enclosure lifts right off so when she’s free ranging she still has access to her food, water, bed and litter tray.

The problem, however…she’s learnt she can jump onto our bed AND she seems to feel it’s a great spot to wee.

After I noticed the first time, I stripped the bed, washed doona cover and sheets and sprayed the mattress and linen with enzyme spray (the kind designed to stop cats weeing where they shouldn’t).

However at the very next opportunity she had, she jumped straight back up on the bed with us and wee’d on it..

Is there anything else I can do I stop her weeing here? Or am I just going to have to find a new spot for her to free range? Any suggestions are welcome!

She *can* get to her litter tray when she’s free ranging, it’s regularly cleaned and has fresh paper based pellet litter and plenty of hay. She’s happy to use it when confined to her enclosure.

Pic of the minx herself included as rabbit tax.

by sezztat

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