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Got him an expensive bed, just for him to sleep on the floor right beside it

Idk if this breaks rule 2, but I’m taking my chances. I think he thinks it’s his baby.

by Iliketurtles366


  1. Grrronaldo

    I’m sure he’s super happy with the XXL body pillow you bought him!

    Is that a tiny bird?!?

  2. Thebunnylady17

    I mean sometimes when I buy a very soft and pretty blanket, I almost don’t want to use it cause I want it to stay nice. Maybe bunnos like to just observe the nicer things in life like comfy beds and only barely touch said items 😂

  3. He knows the bed now belongs to the bird. Even of he chins it, the bird will just tale it back.

    Birds believe everything belongs to them. Source: I live with two conure and three cockatiels. I no longer own anything.

  4. curious-heather

    This is Very Bunny! My big girl, Wooki, did the same. Got her a bed of most comff, she decided it was a pillow. My little boy decided to rip his bed to shreds. Ti’s the bun life 😎. Your boy looks so snoogled next to cute birb friend 💖.

  5. thelindamanor

    Yep.. I feel ya 😐

    Nice try getting the same color as bun bun fur 💕

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