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My bunny has a huge hair mat under his left eye. His right eye has a thing that looks like a pimple but feels like a scab. I was using cuticle scissors to cut down the mats and dreads and hot compresses to try and loosen the gunk. The mat looks like it’s tearing his skin off? He seems unbothered though. I also sprayed his face and eyes with saline spray to ward off infection. Should I take him to the vet? I would continue trying to cut out the mat, but it’s right on the edge of his eye and he’s very squirmy, I don’t want to risk hurting him. I’m going to do a massive deep clean of his hutch tonight as well, so hopefully it won’t get worse. Any advice? I’m really worried.

byu/Bunny-Eye-1196 inBunnies

by Bunny-Eye-1196

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