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Can Spirit have some good thoughts and prayers please, he’s back at the vets

He is my best friend and support animal and like me he is a disabled elder boy, over the past couple of days he’s been in some pain and having problems. I brought him in yesterday as he wasnt going to the bathroom and thankfully could take him home in the evening where he did the biggest poop from a rabbit i have ever seen it my life and he started getting a lot better after that. I took him back in today as he still wasn’t quite right and they’ve decided they want to keep him again for sedation and some exploration of his mouth and teeth trimming. He was plotting his escape and trying his best to knock the door off of his carrier by the end of his exam.

His girlfriend is an anxious lady who’s eagerly awaiting his return, he’s a very hard worker putting in lots of effort to keep us both safe and happy

He has had a bit of a bad year, he started having eye problems and going blind and he is now on a lot of painkillers and eyedrops daily. Because of this, after this procedure I’ve basically maxed out his insurance for the year [it was already the highest one that was on offer] but thankfully his policy has been doubled when it gets renewed in about 6 weeks

by J_rd_nRD

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