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Rest in peace my sweet Roosevelt

Hi everyone, it pains me to write this post, but I’m hoping this brings me some closure.

My sweet boy, Roosevelt, passed away peacefully Friday night. We had hoped he would turn the corner like he did nearly 6 weeks ago, but he already gave us a great last month. Me and my mom have great memories and we were with him until the very end, kissing him and telling him how cute and pretty he is, and how much we love him, and how brave he is, and how we’ll see him again someday. It was the hardest night of my life, but I’m grateful that me, my mom, and his sister, Rebel, got to say goodbye one last time.

It’s hard to not have regrets, but Roosevelt changed my life in ways I could have never known when I first met him and his sister 8 years ago. I’ll never forget him, and I hope he never forgets us.

by superdrone

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