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Meet Roo, my rescue bun

he wandered onto a farm this spring, the owners thought he’d just disappear but he ended sleeping in their chicken coop every night with the chickens. They thought he escaped from the meat rabbit farm nearby but the owners of that said they weren’t missing any rabbits.

They didn’t want to keep him over winter so I went out and trapped him and brought him home. I got him neutered and vaccinated (I work at a vet clinic) & was going to rehome him but my female bunny has fallen in love with him. They’re in separate pens but kiss through the bars. Once he’s all clear from the neuter I will try bonding them! We’ve named him Roo, like kangaroo but also like Rooster since he was living with some. My other bunny is a lop so seeing such big ears on him is so cute

by daralaneandco

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