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Booked his neuter appt so fast…my finger was still bleeding when I dialed his vet

Pixel is almost 4 months old and I absolutely adore him to pieces. These last couple days he’s had a HUGE change in behavior – which I was expecting to an extent. But Oooo he’s gotten sassy…

Floof meant business & drew blood this morning – so I scheduled his chop-chop appt for next weekend 😤 I was going to wait until Christmas because I have a week off of work but Mommy needs to be able to clean up poo-poo and pee-pee w/o being attacked and we do NOT bite Mommy because she touched our wood bridge 👿

Literally 2 days ago puberty hit. He started spraying, he BOOKS IT over to wherever I go to make sure he can kangaroo-box my hand, bite if necessary, depending on what I’m about to touch 🙄

Don’t touch poo-poo, don’t clean up the spray, DEATH DECISION if I even think about the litterbox, toys are a no-go even if it’s one he never touches (he’ll box me and then chin the sh** out of the toy in question afterwards, and then never touch it again).

“But like – keep bringing lettuce, put your face by mine with kissy noises so I can lick you, and pet me all day long. Those are acceptable actions from the Mommy”. He is sooo sweet, and so social, and loves pets and snuggles.

But I’m salty and sulking this morning lol Not the most mature situation to be in but here we are 😅

by meers_11

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