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It took so long, and professional help but I finally got Bramble a friend!

This is long, but it’s why I think buns should always have a friend.

The grey bun is Bramble. The second of the SIX fluffy terrors I own. She was meant to be bonded with Biscoff my first bun.

Well Biscoff was waiting to be neutered and Bramble wasn’t coping with being alone well. She was a pet store bun (trust me I’ve learned how shirty they are since!) But she has other buns with her there and was clearly lonely. So we got Bonnie and they baby bonded. Brambles whole personality improved. She’s not really a human bun, she likes her space.

Neuter happens and Bonnie and Bramble FIGHT a lot and need separating. It was to the point of causing injury. Bonnie was bonded with Biscoff and Bramble was alone.

For the next eight months Bramble lived with me in my office. We socialised as much as possible but she was clearly withdrawing. I foster so I worked with the rescue for several potential buns friends for Bramble including two fosters called Sausage and Toast. That was a big no no. I almost needed stitches separating them. We used professionals and even they said Bramble wasn’t a social bun.

We honestly considered that bramble just needed to be a solo creature. A lot of people told me that but I knew she has a sweet nervous nature. Her aggression was usually anxiety bases.

A few months ago I gave up on a foster bun for Bramble, sure the right one would eventually come along but she was getting more and more withdrawn and visibly unappy

I decided to look far and wide. I knew REWs have amazing temperaments. I found Benny. He was from a breeder and was a year old, like Bramble. In the UK REWs are often left behind because folks don’t want to buy them. Benny had an amazing temperament and was the same size and age as Bramble because he’s a dwarf lop.

So Benny came home with us and we had a few small health things to clear up and neuter but last month it was time. We used a professional and within hours she was sending pictures of them together.

Last week I picked them up and sobbed. Bramble has already came out of her shell. She’s taking treats, pets and when I had to handle her she was SO calm. Brambles quality of life has improved dramatically and its so worth all the tears and stress to get her here! She’s only 1.5 years old and will now have a long and happy life being spoiled with her husbun 😍

by LeahWestfall

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