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Update: After 2 weeks we’ve finally found the perfect name for our new little friend!

Our new little friend has been home with us for over two weeks while we struggled to find the right name for him. I [posted about him recently looking for ideas](

His shleter name was Monty, which is a cute name for him, but we already have/had 3 pets with M names, and all our bunnies have had a name ending in an “ee” sound. We were willing to go with an M name as long as it didn’t have the “ee” ending.

We thought about Marco Polo, but it just didn’t fit our little guy. We contemplated Shilo, Milo, Lennox for our shy, bashful little guy, but he didn’t seem to like any of those.

So, we took the advice of (many helpful people here!), that maybe we should keep his shelter name. We looked up names that Monty could be short for– Montgomery, Montréal, Montague, Montana, *Montrose*….

We live on the Northside side of Chicago, near Montrose beach/harbor, so that seemed like a maybe.

Then it hit us– We also live near Belmont Ave/harbor. Belmont was perfect! He could keep his shelter name as a nick name of Monty,, and we could call him Bel (or Belw, like a baby singsong sound).

All but one of our bunnies had a B nickname. Our oldest bunny girl was Moo, but the rest are:

Odie **Boo**, Maizy **Babe,** Battersea- **Bat/Batta.** Now our Bel has a perfect connection to our girl and our late buns.

And he likes it! He’s picked up that he is Belmont within just 2 days. He already answers to Belmont, Bel, and Monty!

All of our bunnies have/had a gazillion nicknames, which they are smart enough to learn. It always amazes me.

Do any of y’all have any ideas for cute, fun, fitting nicknames for our precious little Belmont?

by Some_BUNNYoncetoldme


  1. nottoospecific

    Howdy Belmont! r/REWrabbits would love to see him 🐇🤍

  2. XNjunEar

    Belmont also means beautiful mount, and he’s a beautiful smol mount of floof

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